What’s in my bag?

I have secretly always loved getting a sneak peek into what’s inside other peoples purses. Not like in a creepy way. I would never sneak a peek without permission but in magazines I like those articles a lot that show a certain celebrity or personality and what they carry with them.

For some reason I have always believed a womans purse was off limits and super private.  Anyone else feel that way? Why is that? Even if someone asks me to grab something for them from their bag I feel like I’m imposing or breaking a rule. So weird.  

Maybe that’s why I always find it fun and fascinating to see the products or items women can’t live without or the random crazy thing you always have with you.  It tells a lot about someone and how they live their life so I thought I would share a sneak peek into my bag. Here goes…….

Disclaimer: Roots has not paid me for this I just clearly really love their stuff.

  1. Roots Bag – West End Hobo in Fawn.
  2. Goal Getter Water Bottle from The Hollis Co. This was a gift in my coaching kit. I never go anywhere without water.
  3. Can Prev ElectroMag Powder Packs of Electrolytes – purchased from the Country Way.
  4. Apple earphones.
  5. doTERRA Citrus Bliss hand cream. I especially love this in the winter when my skin needs a little extra love.
  6. Roots Wallet – circa 1996. I have literally had this most of my life. Got it from my first boyfriend and unlike that relationship it has stood the test of time. Thanks JS.
  7. Onesie for Evan – Poopsplosions happen when you are unprepared so I always carry a spare with me.
  8. Infantino chew toy to keep my boy entertained & happy. He is currently cutting his bottom teeth.
  9. Mints – because, you never know.
  10. Roots Passport case & passport because who knows when you might need or want to travel.
  11. Roots Medium zip pouch to hold all my lipsticks, glosses etc. (see below for a deep dive into my addiction). Helps keep my purse organized and clutter free.
  12. My Apple iPhone 7 Plus
  13. Huggies baby wipes pouch & diapers
  14. My Business Cards – I love this TD one and have had it for years
  15. Colibri Canada Reusable Snack Pouches for Noah from Stork & Bundle.
  16. Love Child Organic Veggie & Fruit Puree pouches for Noah because toddlers are happier when fed.
I may have a slight problem….clearly I love brights & all things doTERRA.

So there you have it folks. My secrets are revealed.

Until next time, XO


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